Sunday 16 September 2007


The Ministry of Defence has constantly denied claims that there are too few helicopters in Afghanistan or that commanders are being hampered by shortages of kit and equipment.
After spending three weeks on the front line in Helmand with the Royal Anglian Regiment, however, it can be revealed:
one military base under daily Taliban attack spent three weeks without a doctor
the main military hospital in Helmand has run out of beds twice in six month
no formal system exists in the Army to replace soldiers killed and injured in battle
helicopter shortages have meant that one isolated base was down to its last 50 rounds of mortar ammunition
the commanding officer of one unit was stranded at a base for five days by the lack of helicopters
heavy machine guns in use by the Army are 55 years old.
Read It Here

(RG) Really who are the MOD fighting on behalf of? Because it certainly isn’t the British troops or the British people. You wont see New Liebour ministers driving around in 55 year old cars to take them on the numerous bash’s around the Former Great Britain. It a sadly a waste of time what they are asking our boys to do and impossible with the resources they have been given. Its like asking someone to catch a great white shark with a piece of string a hook and a worm. If the British Government cant be arsed to support our boys why should our lads be arsed to die for fuck all? I know its because they are professional soldiers and everyone an Emperor. Time to disband the MOD and bring back the War Department as they have proven time and time again they are not fit for purpose. Hat Tip
Theo Spark

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