Thursday 22 February 2007

SAS to guard Harry in Iraq

SAS minders will shadow Prince Harry when he serves in Iraq.
The 22-year-old is to be sent to the war zone with his men this year, the Ministry of Defence confirmed today.
The prince had told friends he would quit if he was denied the chance of active service and has got his way. But such is the concern for his safety, with insurgents viewing him as a high-profile target, that SAS men will be deployed to guard him.Read It Here I told you so.
Watch Sky New Report

(RG) Im sure Harry will be embarrassed about having baby sitters but thats the price of being a Royal. I would be quite happy about the extra security if I was a non VIP soldier.
`Breaking news` Gazza wants to be Harrys bodyguard

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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