Thursday 22 February 2007

For sale, diary of a soldier's hell at the Somme.

It was the worst day of slaughter in British military history.
After five hours of fighting, more than 57,000 officers and infantrymen lay dead or wounded, cut down by German machine guns or obliterated by shells.
For sale, diary of a soldier's hell at the Somme.
Now a vivid and harrowing first-hand account of the Battle of the Somme has emerged. It was written by Private Walter Hutchinson, a grocer from South Yorkshire, who kept a diary during his time on the Western Front. Read It Here

(RG)I am a soldier who has experienced War but I cannot have an inkling of the sheer hell that Private Walter Hutchinson and his comrades went through in the stinking hell hole of the Somme. This was supposed to be the War to end all Wars. I would suggest our politicians should read this harrowing account next time they are lying on a beach at the tax payers expense, spend a thought for the Walter Hutchinsons of the world.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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