Monday 19 February 2007

More Troops needed for Iraq.

The Army is making preparations to protect Prince Harry as he prepares to deploy to Iraq, it is reported.
Harry is due to leave for a tour of duty with the Household Cavalry Regiment in early June, according to The Sun newspaper.(Spit)
The Metropolitan Police protection officer assigned to him has already flown to Iraq to discuss his security while in a war zone, the newspaper reported.

(RG) And there was Blair thinking he could start to reduce British troops in Iraq, now it seems if Harry is going we will need to build a fort with an atomic bomb proof under ground bunker then send the whole of the SAS to secure a 50 mile exclusion zone. Harry can then dress up in his combats like Mr Ben and direct his soldiers via a satellite link, call in a few air strikes on the bad guys have lunch specially prepared by his butler and then be awarded his medal and flown back to the palace in time to have supper with Granny whilst watching Last Of The Summer Wine.Only joking Im sure Harry will do a great job as do all the lads regardless of rank, stay safe.

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© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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Pointless leaving spam it wont be published.