Thursday, 15 February 2007

The Sun newspaper snubs Falklands Veterans.

As you may know if you have read my previous posts I am hoping to make an emotional pilgrimage back to the Falkland Islands this year, lay some ghosts to rest and say a quiet prayer for my mate Mickey Quinn.
I have my name down on a list with SAMA(82) who I know will try their hardest to accommodate as many veterans as possible on the flight. I have know doubt that sadly some veterans will not be able to make that journey do to numbers and financial reasons. I hate to have to rely on anybody I may have PTSD but I am a proud man and can hold my head up. I would walk to the Falklands if it was possible. I decided to ask for assistance with my pilgrimage so I am in control of my destiny. I only want to go back if I can go with my mate Scouse who served with me in 1982 and was my best mate in the army and civvies street. I rang the Sun newspaper as they always like to portray themselves as `The paper of our Boys` and such like. Speaking to a journalist at the news desk I started to explain my position, it became apparent that he wasn’t interested one bit, as I wasn’t giving him a juicy story about a vicar in suspenders with an orange in his mouth or other sleaze that they like to print. He told me in a cocky voice “Its not really their thing and try an airline.” with that he hung up, in was fuming and extremely angry so I have written a letter of complaint, no reply as yet and I do not expect one, remember The Sun was the paper that helped Tony Blair into office. So if anyone can help myself and Scouse get back down there please let me know. We would go by sea, in some ways it would be more fitting as that’s the way we went back then. Suffice to say I will not be buying that rag newspaper again. Oh yeah here is a prediction as The Sun is a fair weather newspaper whats the betting they will ditch Labour soon and back the Hoody Hugger Cameron?

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. Looks like the scousers are right about the Sun then. If you do make it down and get to the cemetary, say hello to Chris Griffin for me. He didn't come home and used to lie next to H Jones.



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