Friday 14 October 2011

David Cameron Defends Oliver Letwin dumping Govt documents in public bins

British Prime minister David Cameron gave another of his under attack Government ministers  Oliver Letwin full support today as revelations broke that the minister was dumping official documents in public bins. He said to a crowd of journalists who cornered the Prime Minister who was on his way to a wheelie bin with a bin bag full of voters names and addresses. “Calm down, my honourable friend has done us all a huge favour due to the last Governments reckless spending we simply cannot afford to use industrial shredders anymore, also we can dramatically scale down MI5 and 6, we need openness and transparency I think your newspaper editors should adopt this approach also, I’m sorry that’s all I have to say on the matter as I have to go back to my office and clean the windows.”  A scuffle broke out after Mr Cameron left as journalists fought each other to retrieve the contents of the bin, resulting in one needing hospital treatment for a broken nose.

How naïve and foolish of me to think things might get better in Government with this lot, it seems the lunatics are still in residence in the Asylum.

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