Monday 10 October 2011

British Servicemen urged to seek help for mental war wounds

The Ministry of Defence has launched a campaign to promote better awareness of the mental health injuries of war.Called "Don't bottle it up", it aims to remove the stigma from wounds that cannot be seen - and urges servicemen and women not to ignore warning signs.
The charity Combat Stress says 85% of veterans are too embarrassed to admit to depression or anxiety, while one in three fail to tell their families.
The launch coincides with World Mental Health Day.Read more HERE 

We have come along way since I first started to campaign for better treatment of servicemen & woman with PTSD , but obviously there is much more to do. The reason mental health is being taken more seriously now is the fact that we have been at War in Iraq and still in Afghanistan which makes a significant portion of troops who will be effected and find themselves in the main stream of the NHS once they leave the armed forces, as usually the `Post` can be many years after we hand in our uniforms as was my own case. I spoke about on BFBS about the `Stigma` attached to mental health issues in the military and I am confidant that a percentage of the suicides particularly from the Falklands War were a direct result of the unjust `shame` and feeling like they have let their comrades down especially as in my case the fact that I had never heard of the term PTSD. I did receive hate mail from serving an ex soldiers some actually saying they wish I had killed myself and called me a coward and all sorts of nasty things, just imagine reading that when you are clinically depressed? I still get the odd idiot sending me stuff on my Blog but I realise now that’s just par for the course and ignore their ignorant comments. Things are certainly going the right way and praise where praise is due well done MOD. But we must keep it up and not just play lip service to this huge problem for our society.

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