Saturday 29 October 2011


(Goose Green dead which the BBC may have contributed to)

One notable incident was that the BBC World Service announced the taking of Goose Green before it actually happened. This broadcast may have forewarned the Argentine s to the impending attack, and was seen as an act of disloyalty by many in the British military. Indeed, at one point, Lieutenant-Colonel Jones even threatened to lead the prosecution of senior BBC officials for treason. 

I was recently contacted by the BBC to ask if I was interested in taking part in a documentary which would have included me bringing one of my children back to the Falkland Islands and retracing my steps through the War. There are a number of reasons why I declined the BBCs offer. Firstly I do not like the BBC for Jailing  our citizens for not paying their TV licenses. I can understand the reason for having a driving license or a firearms license, but why should we subsidise a television company when all other networks have to raise capital via advertising? It also adds insult to injury that I have to pay for a corporation that supports a political party (Labour). I’m sure it would equally incense Socialist if the BBC was biased towards the Tories, they quite simply should be impartial. Imagine the outcry if Sky TV was a Champion of the BNP? Apparently there are even Convicted Criminals working for the BBC  I think its even more important in these harsh economic times that the BBC is forced to scrap the license fee as it’s a tax on all of society including the poor. To think that you can get away with a slap on the wrist for punching a policeman, but do jail time for not having a license to watch ONE particular station on your TV is in its self criminal. Also Im sure that if I had decided to go back to the Falklands with the BBC they would have edited  what I said to fit their political agenda, i.e. made it seem I was against the War when the truth is I was and I’m 100% behind the liberation of the Falklands Island from a bunch of jack booted Fascist thugs , that took delight in throwing their political opponents out the back of aircraft overt the South Atlantic. It will be interesting see if any Paratroopers appear in this documentary?   Some may totally disagree with me and that’s their choice the same as it was the BBCs choice to put our soldiers lives in jeopardy at  Goose Green  This is my choice.

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