Sunday 5 December 2010

Get your War poetry published in `The Little Book Of War`


You missed the start of the football
My rifle had a stoppage
I’m sleeping in this hole in the ground
You in your picturesque cottage
Tonight you will dine with your daughter
Il be happy to get some water
My corporal was killed today
You just moan about your pay
Crawling to your boss about your ambition
I just need more ammunition
So go polish your BMW
You don’t see the real world around you
Enjoy your bar meals and dates
I’m happy here with my Battalion mates.

©  Tony McNally

If you are a veteran of any war, we invite you to share your poems, your stories in a pro bono book whose working title is The Little Book of War  . All proceeds from this international collaboration will go to PTSD foundations in the United Kingdom. Perhaps we can help not only UK Veterans, but by doing so bring light to the plight of so many others who find suicide the only way to end the war they knew. You may contact me at with your word contribution. Yes, you will keep the copyright to your words.

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Pointless leaving spam it wont be published.