Sunday 23 May 2010

Britain is Still Being Run By Socialists

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As much as I despised Labour for the wholesale destruction of Great Britain at least you knew if you voted for them what extreme left wing politics you were going to get. It seems Cameron might talk like `Tory ` but that’s about it. It seems he has willing given in to his best buddy Clegg in every department and as such everyone who voted Conservative were cheated as we don’t really have any change just the same Labour politics with a new sleazy grin.


  1. Hi RG
    First of all, thank you for allowing comments on your blog.
    Second, thanks also for posting the Falklands videos and your poetry, which mean a lot.
    As for this coalition - I agree, esp since Cameron looks like a man who believes in the maxim: start as you mean to go on, it doesn't look promising. I've been trying to hold fire and give it a chance but every day we seem to be getting more of the same but with a sweeter disguise. We're the monkeys they're catching, slowly.

  2. Im glad you have enjoyed my Falklands videos and poetry, I must try and write more. As for the coalition I was delighted when Brown was prized out of number 10, but I soon became despondent at Dave's lack of backbone, I know its a difficult situation but as you will know I say it as I see it, he has 5 years to turn it around I suppose? Keep up the good work with your Blogs


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