Friday 2 April 2010

who would like to share their experiences of war?

I am writing from Hurricane Films, a Liverpool based Production Company. We are currently involved in a project in conjunction with FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology), creating content for their new multimedia ‘My War’ exhibition.

We are looking for contributors who would like to share their experiences of war, this could include serving in any war or suffering from its effects. The contributor must be willing to talk about their experiences and memories in front of a camera. The footage will be used within the exhibition and might also be used for possible radio/ television projects in the future.

The project will take place in five locations around the UK including Liverpool, Newcastle, Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield. The dates that we will be filming are;

Leeds from 12th April until 13th April.
Sheffield from 14th April until 15th April.

If you know anyone in any of the areas, who would be willing and able to take part, or if you would like to any further information, please contact us by email at

Many thanks and we hope to hear from you soon,

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Well if Ross Kemp can do it?

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Pointless leaving spam it wont be published.