Monday 15 March 2010

Grieving mother of soldier killed in Afghanistan confronts Brown

Gordon Brown has been confronted on television by the furious mother of a soldier killed in Afghanistan. It happened as the Prime Minister began a 'masochism' strategy of facing hostile voters. Ann Probyn told Mr Brown her son Daniel was killed by a Taliban home made bomb when he was sent out on a night patrol 'with no equipment'. She complained about the failure of the Government to provide British troops with equipment that can detect improvised explosive devices. Mrs Probyn launched the attack on the BBC Politics Show yesterday as Mr Brown faced a panel of disgruntled 'undecided' voters. She reopened the issue of defence spending, which has fast become a political sore for Mr Brown since he told the Chilcot inquiry that he had never turned down a request for more kit for the troops.

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RIP Daniel

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