Friday 11 September 2009

Fridays Fire Mission (Whiskey)

Turning war into a game I’m sure Anna Husarska hasn’t played the game, I’m sure she would prefer a game where a Communist dictator invades a Western Country.

Marine 'ran across battlefield to save colleague' Bravery of the highest order from Marine Steven Nethery.

The children of 9/11 on the frontline And the New York Daily News calls the British people cowards!

RAF Coltishall sex offenders prison to be named HMP Bure HMP Nonce would be more appropriate.

Public outcry at Glos RAF base development plan Immigrants have got to live somewhere!

The freedom of a reckless New York Times journalist is not worth the loss of Corporal John Harrison I agree with this statement 100%

Soldier killed in rescue named RIP Corporal John Harrison.

Freed journalist ignored 'very strong advice' But its easier to blame the military, not him or the Taliban.

Former Labour Defence Secretary condemns procurement ‘mess’ I don’t believe the MOD was in this mess when the Conservatives were in power.

Soldiers are 'pride of Britain' I wonder who wrote that statement for Bob Bollocks Ainsworth?

Why the border mentality is a barrier to proper law and order An interesting article, a border is just a line on map, or is it a statement of ownership, or an invisible barrier?

Soldier died after delivering goat A tragic story RIP Corporal Liam Elms.

'I just had to hope that our armour would hold' While our politicians were hoping that their lunch time Champagne was chilled.

UK 'Won't Support Afghan Whitewash' Well if that really is the case then the Elections must be made null and void and put the real winner in Office. No didn’t think so!

Tom failed by justice system You can bet that if Tom was the attacker nothing would have been lost!

Earl visits troops at forefront of fight against Taliban rebels Will The Earl of Wessex get a medal then?

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP
Boycott Cross Country Trains
Boycott the Metro Hotel
Boycott the walkabout bar
Boycott Christian-Dior-
Boycott Auto Direct Insurance Services
Boycott Whetherspoons

Watching Men Burn: The Falklands War, and What Came Next a Soldier's Story

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