Tuesday 9 December 2008

For our Service men and women away from home this Christmas

For our Service men and women away from home this Christmas
As Christmas approaches Support Our Soldiers invite you
to join with them and to light
‘A Christmas Candle of Hope'.

Back in December 2003,support ours soldierslaunched 'A Christmas Candle of Hope' This is a very simple idea, which everyone can join in with. We ask you to join with us, on Christmas Day, and to light a candle in recognition of our brave Servicemen and women, and their families.
Please read the message below, and then pass this on to all your friends and colleagues.
In December 2007 candles were lit throughout the UK and also in Germany, Gibraltar, Madeira, USA, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Trinidad, Zambia, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, Iraq and Afghanistan. With your help we hope to see candles lit across the world this year. Please don't let the candle go out - forward it on.
If you would like your name to be added please send an email with your name and location to

2008 has been another difficult year for the British Forces serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and for their families and friends at home
At 2.00pm on Christmas Day we ask you to light a candle and to take just one minute to pause and think...
...of all our servicemen & women away from home, wherever in the world they may be and to hope for their speedy and safe return.
...of their families, apart at this special time, and to hope they find strength in knowing that they will soon be re-united.
... and to remember those who have lost loved ones and to hope
they may find comfort
Please forward this to as many of your friends as possible. If news spreads far enough, and we hope it does, then candles will be lit across the world throughout the day and our lads and lassies will know how much they are cared about.
Please join with us and encourage the nations, at least for a moment, to unite in
A Christmas Candle of Hope
You can see who's taking part at http://www.supportoursoldiers.co.uk/appeals_candle.html
Wording and Image subject to Copyright © Support Our Soldiers 2003 to 2008
Not to be reproduced without express permission
Support Our Soldiers Registered Charity Number 1120684

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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Pointless leaving spam it wont be published.