Sunday 3 August 2008

Troops in Afghanistan: 'We were all in tears. It was like losing three brothers’

The platoon's lead section had stopped in an alleyway between two compounds when an Afghan man appeared from a side door and approached the troops.
He smiled and, walking slowly, offered the soldiers the traditional greeting by placing his right hand over his heart while whispering the word, “Salaam”.
Pte Dan Gamble, 22, the platoon’s Pashto speaker, and Pte Nathan Cuthbertson, 19, moved forward to question the young stranger.
Pte Dave Murray, also 19, watched close by as his friends walked ahead. Seconds later all three had suffered catastrophic injuries.
“I heard a massive blast,” said Lieut David True, 4 platoon’s commander “Someone immediately said 'RPG’ [rocket-propelled grenade], but I thought, 'No, it’s a mine.
Read It Here

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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