Troops from the SAS and SBS will be used in the Army's "decapitation" strategy designed to knock out the insurgent's leadership.
Their operations will be part of an overall surge of troops in the increasingly unstable country, as more British forces are pulled out of Iraq.
Yesterday a British soldier was killed while taking part in a joint British-Afghan patrol in Helmand province – becoming the 116th British military death in Afghanistan since November 2001.
The current UK force of more than 8,000 is already almost double the size deployed to Helmand in 2006 and commanders believe the problem of overstretch will not disappear even with withdrawal from Iraq .Read It Here
(RG) Why don’t they just send Ross Kemp aka Heno Garvy from that comedy programme `ultimate farce` I mean he has trigger time now and thinks he’s some kind of veteran. I remember watching him on the box in the Stan with the Anglicans and he was talking to some young squaddy and said something along the lines of “Hey Smith what do you think about things?” I would have said “Hey Civvy Dickhead F*** Off” before I chinned the prick. Please don’t hit me Mr Kemp as you were a Para and a Falklands veteran (With wings tattooed on wrong shoulder) Oh no that was another acting role wasn’t it? “Show me your War face Kemp” more like show me your equity card, ha ha jog on you fat nobber.
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
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