Eighteen sailors on a Royal Navy warship have tested positive for a class A drug.
The crewmen were caught during routine testing onboard HMS Liverpool, which is currently deployed in the South Atlantic .Read It Here
(RG) When journalists asked the defence secretary Des Brown (The illegitimate half brother of Gordon) if he had any comments about drugs in the Armed Forces he said, “ The stupid B****** should not have got caught we need every swinging dick in the field.” He also proposed that drug taking be legalised in the Armed Forces to improve rock bottom morale before swinging back a half bottle of whiskey and shouting some expletives to members of Sky TV.
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
Boycott BP
Boycott Cross Country Trains
Now test the politicians. They are the ones hiding behind accountants and lawyers and a feeble Speaker of the House. In my day we didn't need drugs. We had great moral fortitude,we were all praying Christians, and we were all pissed on grog and beer.