Thursday 31 July 2008

You can help to save H.M.S. Plymouth by pledging JUST £1

My name is Martin Slater and I am Secretary of H.M.S. Plymouth Association .
I am sending this e-mail to everyone in my address book and I hope you will take a little time to read it and not just trash it as spam. It isn't!!
It is a plea to you all to do just a little to help stop H.M.S. Plymouth from being scrapped, because this is just what will happen if we can't raise enough money to save her and take her 'home' to Plymouth, Devon, UK ~ the city where she was built, is named after, and spent a great deal of time during her Naval service.
A company based in Plymouth, Warship Management Ltd, was set up with the intention of finding "5 good men and true", each willing to pledge £20,000 to fund the purchase and relocation of H.M.S. Plymouth.
The members of H.M.S. Plymouth Association have pledged over £20,000 and, along with the other 4 “good men”, hope to purchase the ship from Mersey Docks and Harbour Company (Peel Ports), who became the owners by default when the previous owners The Warship Preservation Trust, was forced into voluntary liquidation in early 2006 ~ this came about because of the conversion into luxury apartments of two corn warehouses on the dockside adjacent to the ship.
Of course the cost to achieve the purchase and relocation is not small, as you can see below, and we need all the help we can get.

Purchase price £75,000
Survey £3,900
Towage Birkenhead £2,000
Towage South £28,000
Towage Plymouth £2,000
Dredging £100,000
Berth Modification £2,000,000
Total £2,210,900
The aim of my e-mail is to reach 2 million people, each willing to donate just £1 to help us reach our goal
To do this, please visit Help Save HMS Plymouth to make your pledge of just £1 then forward the e-mail to everyone in your address book.
If you would like to pledge more than just £1 please don't be afraid to do so
Further information on the demise of The Warship Preservation Trust and the other vessels under their ‘command’ may be found on our website message board

Thank you for taking the time to read our plea
Martin Slater
Secretary H.M.S. Plymouth Association
44 Argo Road
L22 0NW
Tel 0151 286 6992
Skype martin.slater126

(RG) All the best with this campaign a fine ship that served her Nation with pride.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP


  1. Very many thanks for posting this Mack. The more people we can reach with our plea, the better.

    Martin Slater

  2. Your more than welcome Martin, she is part of the family.


Pointless leaving spam it wont be published.