Wednesday 9 April 2008

Disabled soldier goes back to war in Afghanistan

Six months after losing a leg, Corporal Stuart Hale has returned to the battle zone in Afghanistan

A British paratrooper who lost his leg to a landmine has become the first amputee to return to military service in Afghanistan, in the war zone where he was disabled.
Read It Here

(RG) Every man an Emperor

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP


  1. RG; I do hope you won't mind, but I have taken the liberty of including some of your article on my blog today. I have, of course, accredited you for the article and linked to your site. Many thanks.

  2. No probs Dickie, thanks for asking


  3. The late Group Captain Douglas Bader would have approved.

  4. He' a para, 'nuff said.

    I was fascinated to find out that as far back as the American Civil was there was a special brigade for disabled soldiers, the veteran reserve corps. Very cool. Bendy Girl


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