Saturday 25 August 2007

Freindly fire incident in Afghanistan kills Three British Soldiers.

Private Robert Graham Foster RIP.

Private John Thrumble RIP.

Private Aaron James McClure RIP.

It is with profound sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm the deaths of three soldiers from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment who were tragically killed in what is believed to be a friendly fire incident in Afghanistan yesterday, Thursday 23 August 2007.

Two other soldiers were also injured in the incident. All of the soldiers were taking part in a fighting patrol to disrupt Taliban activity and reassure the local population north west of Kajaki, Helmand Province, when the incident occurred at approximately 6.30pm local time.Read It Here

(RG) My first reaction to hearing this sad news was pure anger, the `Yanks` are killing our boys AGAIN but then I felt a deep sadness about the whole thing. Those American F15 pilots will have to live with the consequences of this bombing run for the rest of their lives. Afghanistan is a dirty bitter trench war, with Taliban practically on the edge of your forward areas, calling in close air support is a very dangerous business, but sometimes it’s the only way to stop your forces being overrun because we have lack of boots and armour on the ground. It could have been a British pilot that dropped the bomb on our lads but due to our tiny air force the Americans do the lions share of the work and most of the time they do it well. This wont be the last time this sort of thing happens as this war will drag on for decades. Let us remember the many British soldiers that have had their lives saved by American air power. We need to invest more in the failsafe equipment to stop this sort of tragedy but then we are talking about money again something the MOD is reluctant to give to our boys. My heart goes out to the relatives of this awful accident. Blue on Blue does not really give you the full impact of the reality of friendly fire, bombs do not have a conscience pilots do. RIP.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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