His courage in the face of almost certain death earned him the Victoria Cross.
Tul Bahadur Pun single-handedly stormed Japanese machine-gun positions during the Second World War.
The Gurkha’s extraordinary act of valour won him royal admirers and he was invited to the Queen’s Coronation and had tea with the Queen Mother. Yet, despite his illustrious record, his application to live in Britain has been refused.
The old soldier was told: "You have failed to demonstrate that you have strong ties with the UK."
Lawyers acting for Mr Pun, 84, along with 2,000 former Gurkhas, will appeal before the immigration courts in London in August.
Mr Pun, who has a number of serious health problems, must hope he can survive the intervening months in his home in Nepal.
He has a heart condition, poor eyesight, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and he requires daily medication – which is not always available where he lives. Read more Here
(RG) Well doesn’t this show you what is wrong with this Country how dare anyone call this once Great country great anymore, I truly am ashamed to belong to a country that treats veterans whether they are from Nepal of Nuneaton like this. A man that single-handedly stormed Japanese machine-gun nest and won the VC is not allowed in to the country he so bravely fought for, is in my opinion a criminal act in its self and the perpetrators of this injustice should be brought to book, the whole filthy sleazy bunch of freeloaders and Socialist mafia that have tried to destroy the very fabric of British society make me physically sick with rage. Tul Bahadur would have been welcomed with open arms into this country if he had walked through the Channel tunnel and claimed asylum from some pretend conflict. I suppose I should not be surprised by these kind of decisions but I cant help being angry. I sometimes wish I had been borne in a different time so I did not have to witness the reckless vandalism of our flag and country.
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
Seems to me that the wrong people are being kept out of our country and the wrong ones let in!
ReplyDeleteAs you say our once "Great" country is fast becoming a sham!
Where has all the common sense gone???
Whoever is that man talking about common sense. Common sense went away with advent of political correctness and any form of correction in school or the home. Sadly all that is left is, spin, more spin and downright bullshine.
ReplyDeleteOur country has never sunken so far & fast as it has with this shower of twerps who have the gall to govern us. Yet enough votes were cast for them just 2 years ago. Where O where did those voters come from. None live openly here, but then enough votes were cast to return 2 out of three labour councillores. Makes me wonder who is running this asylum?