Sunday 18 March 2007

The Betrayal Of Our Armed Forces.

Thousands of British war heroes from Iraq and Afghanistan are living in poverty because their injury compensation payouts are being delayed for up to three years.

(RG) Well this just goes to show that John Prescott’s ashtrays will get emptied quicker than serviceman’s injury compensation is sorted. To me it proves beyond any doubt that they really , no I mean really don’t care. For a soldier who had his arm blown off then returns to the UK only to find he cannot afford to heat his own home makes me bloody angry to say the least. How those pack of Labour freeloaders can sit around getting fatter and richer while the men they sent to War suffer the most appalling conditions just shows that they have no conscience. The damage this Government has done to this country is unpparelled in our history. Our Armed forces as a whole have been wounded not quite mortally yet. Read It Here

British troops wait 18 months for mental health care
2,000 troops in trauma and just 13 psychiatrists to help them
You give the Army your life. It repays you with betrayal
Why do we care so little about our troops in Afghanistan?

The soldier crawled through the dark
He was cold he was hungry he was scared
Alone he sobbed
His hip smashed head bleeding
Death took this modest hero
His battlefield a cold empty council house in Blairs Britain 2007.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the Americans can see what a peice of scum Blair really is as the rumour is he is moving to the US, perhaps he fancies the White House next?


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