Saturday 17 February 2007


PRINCE Harry will be serving on the front line in Iraq by the end of the month.
The 22-year-old prince will head for Basra with comrades from the Blues and Royals Regiment within days and will then probably be deployed along the border with Iran.
A senior military source said: "The final details are being sorted, but he is definitely going. Naturally, his royal status has to be taken into account - but he will see action."

(RG)Prince Harry has chosen to be a soldier so it is only right that he does some actual soldiering regardless of the rights or wrongs of the Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. Its like a concert pianist at the peek of his career with a chance to play in front of a full house and deciding not to go on stage at the Albert Hall. Its what soldiers do, I wish him well. Read It Here

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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