Friday 23 February 2007

More troops for War in Afghanistan.

More than 1,000 extra British troops are expected to be sent to Afghanistan to combat an expected spring offensive by the Taliban, according to reports.
The Guardian says the Defence Secretary Des Browne will announce the £250m move on Monday.

(RG) As I had reported earlier on this cynical political ploy of withdrawing a few token troops by His Royal Highness Lord Blair (I think he paid for that title) it is simply a rotation of troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. There is blanket coverage of every incident within Iraq but the real story is in Afghanistan where a full scale War is raging. The reason the US didn’t complain about the British cutting and running from Iraq is the fact that we are not, the truth is we are there for the long haul. Be prepared for some grim casualties coming from Afghanistan during the winter I hope most of them are wearing turbans and I wish our forces well. If your going to have a War make sure your troops are well supplied and have the correct body armour and don’t let any reporters within a hundred miles of your position or you could find yourself on a court martial for shooting the enemy.Read It Here

RAF Winning hearts and minds video

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran


  1. I am always a little bemused by the supposed costs of operations such as these. A 1,000 troop deployment costing £250m. That's £250,000 per person....hmmmm methinks somone somewhere has there figures a little wrong. Unless anyone knows better?

  2. I think they are getting the figure mixed up with Cherie Blairs Hair Dressing bill for 2006.


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