Wednesday 21 February 2007

British Troops Out Of Iraq?

Prime Minister Tony Blair is expected to announce the withdrawal of some of Britain's 7,000 troops from Iraq.
Mr Blair is about to announce that 1,500 servicemen and women will leave within weeks, with 3,000 home by Christmas, according to reports in The Sun.

(RG) Well it must be true if its in the Sun (spit) There must be elections on the horizon, is that a photo of the PM without any body amour? Hmmmmmmnnnn. Read It Here Or maybe this is just a snide way of redeploying troops to Afghanistan?

Lives lost in 2006
New York Times Take on Things

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Tony Blair said in a Downing Street interview that he was with advice from medical experts looking at ways to implant microchips in the anus so when people wanted to do number two all they had to do was "Swipe and wipe" and the £5 fee would come straight out of their bank accounts. When questioned if this microchip would deduct money from mens account if say they were being rogered from behind by their boyfriends as many MPs normally are he replied "well thats fun tax and for some reason Mps in the house of commons said it wouldn't be practical with a wink" so we are just sticking to a shit tax for now.


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