Tuesday 20 February 2007

Big Brother Britain

"Just empty your pockets Sir"

COUNCIL tax snoopers want to know where you go on holiday, what you eat and even whether you use a dating agency.
They will note if you have a pet and who you vote for.
A list of 287 intimate details to be pored over by town hall spies includes how much you earn, and even whether you do the crossword.

(RG)Britain has the most CCTV cameras in the western world but New Stalinist Labour are not happy with that they want to know everything about its citizens. I can go along with certain measures if its for National security but this is just taking the piss, infact they will probably have a piss tax next(Dodgy Bladder me skint) and a fresh air tax, as I live in Cumbria I will pay more than someone in London. I just wonder how certain religious faiths in the UK will feel about these intrusions? By that I do not mean Christian of course as that faith doesn’t seem to matter to Blair/Brown. Yeah the tax Taliban are here. My advice to any British citizen who has the money is to get the fuck out while you can.
Read It Here
Blair Gunman courtesy of the Spine

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

1 comment:

  1. Your last sentence says it all.
    The country is fast becoming past hope.


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