Sunday, 25 March 2007

The fallen & the forgotten: The Falklands War, 25 years on

Tony McNally aka Rogue Gunner is still haunted by the day, 25 years ago, when his missiles malfunctioned and he watched his comrades die aboard the stricken 'Sir Galahad' in the Falklands. Paul Bignell reports. Read It Here

Just so people are in no doubt I belive the Falklands War was worth fighting for I was a soldier and thats what soldiers do, but Governments need to give those men and woman the help they need when they come back home, thats all I ask.

Just got this e-mail this morning from a friend of mine from across the Atlantic , for years she has helped to highlight veterans issues , especially PTSD. Remy has strongly recommended I read this book and it must be good if she recommends it.This book teaches how truly to heal war trauma in veterans, their families, and our communities. Drawing on history, mythology, and soldiers' stories from World War I to Iraq, it affirms the deep damage war does to the psyche and addresses how to reclaim the soul from war's hell. I for one will be giving this a read.I have placed the book in the side bar.


Visit with me at Welcome Home Soldier
response to your article.

And Mack, move heaven and earth if you need to but get a copy of the
book at the bottom of the article - if you can't get it there, tell me
and I will buy and mail you one. This is a MUST read! AN EVERYONE MUST


© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. The Independant could of at least mentioned your book title in their peice the miserbable gets.

  2. That’s Journalists for you. I remember on my last book the Guardian taking an extract from it, and when they published it, it was under a headline `Never in a thousand years was it worth it` not my words. I stick with everything I said in that piece today, obviously if I could have looked in to a crystal ball at my life after the Falklands and had a chance to have changed it I probably would have. As I have always said I am not anti War sometimes you need to take military action like we did in the Falklands, I am anti Government who discard you like a broken rifle after you have served your purpose.


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